Anxiety, Phobia and Panic Attack

Where are you at?

You may worry and fear for almost every situation. Your feelings of anxiety can often be accompanied by physical symptoms such as muscle tension, headaches, panic attack, stomach cramps. These conditions can affect your daily life. The problems you have right now… Being overwhelmed with anxiety can affect every aspect of your life and those who suffer from chronic anxiety can experience a range of symptoms such as

What do you need help with right now

What would help you right now is that anxiety is a feeling. You need to communicate with yourself to find out what is driving these anxieties and whether there are any unconscious links to past experiences in your life. You might get anxiety or phobia or panic attack by a certain smell or situation or by certain people. Sometimes you can get anxiety from your mum or dad or when you were in your mum’s womb or during the delivery such as head stuck in mum’s pelvic, emergency c-section, forceps delivery, cord round the neck which is called Birth Trauma. Baby and mother both hold the trauma in the cellular levels and in the energetic levels which can create lots of anxiety later on. You need help of an experienced therapist to help you to find the reasons of the emotional Damage and to heal your subconscious mind.

I am trained to work on Birth related trauma for children and parents. For small children I work on mums and children can overcome their trauma.

I can help you by focusing on your lifestyle, breathing exercise, emotions, trauma, food intolerances, supplements, diet, therapy and your belief systems. During your appointment it is likely that you will be recommended a programme of healthy food habit, adapt a healthy lifestyle and supplements, remedies to aid your recovery. Supplements and remedies will be charged separately. You can take any packages of 5 sessions or 10 sessions or I can make a personalised package for you for an easy instalment.

How Can I help you​

The treatment will start with a consultation to understand where you are now and What are your current feelings? Each 90-minutes session will design specifically tailored to your needs having identified at which age of your life, events have occurred that have contributed to the problem. I will then allow your subconscious mind to bring up anything you need to see to help you resolve the issue.
excessive worry about health, money, family, work
irrational expectations of the worst outcome in many situations
inability to relax
Fear of Death

Overcome anxiety, Phobia and Panic Attack

How Can I help you​

The treatment will start with a consultation to understand where you are now and What are your current feelings? Each 90-minutes session will design specifically tailored to your needs having identified at which age of your life, events have occurred that have contributed to the problem. I will then allow your subconscious mind to bring up anything you need to see to help you resolve the issue.

I am trained to work on Birth related trauma for children and parents. For small children I work on mums and children can overcome their trauma.

I can help you by focusing on your lifestyle, breathing exercise, emotions, trauma, food intolerances, supplements, diet, therapy and your belief systems. During your appointment it is likely that you will be recommended a programme of healthy food habit, adapt a healthy lifestyle and supplements, remedies to aid your recovery. Supplements and remedies will be charged separately. You can take any packages of 5 sessions or 10 sessions or I can make a personalised package for you for an easy instalment.

Anxiety, Phobia and Panic Attack

Where are you at?

You may worry and fear for almost every situation. Your feelings of anxiety can often be accompanied by physical symptoms such as muscle tension, headaches, panic attack, stomach cramps. These conditions can affect your daily life. The problems you have right now… Being overwhelmed with anxiety can affect every aspect of your life and those who suffer from chronic anxiety can experience a range of symptoms such as
excessive worry about health, money, family, work
irrational expectations of the worst outcome in many situations
inability to relax
Fear of Death

What do you need help with right now

What would help you right now is that anxiety is a feeling. You need to communicate with yourself to find out what is driving these anxieties and whether there are any unconscious links to past experiences in your life. You might get anxiety or phobia or panic attack by a certain smell or situation or by certain people. Sometimes you can get anxiety from your mum or dad or when you were in your mum’s womb or during the delivery such as head stuck in mum’s pelvic, emergency c-section, forceps delivery, cord round the neck which is called Birth Trauma. Baby and mother both hold the trauma in the cellular levels and in the energetic levels which can create lots of anxiety later on. You need help of an experienced therapist to help you to find the reasons of the emotional Damage and to heal your subconscious mind.
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